
Morning Judith xxx Poppy had a lovely calm night and this morning has eaten her fish and rice with gusto. She looks so calm and comfortable, done poos and all good. I cannot thank you enough for all you are doing xxxx. I feel so much better myself, I was going crazy yesterday, but after your healing I feel you know all will be well. You are truly an earth angel thank you. June.

—- Follow up  —

Hello Judith I just can’t believe how much better Poppy is it’s like a miracle 🙏🏻👼🏻 she is almost back to her old self, and one side of her tummy where that tumour is has almost gone 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻 I cannot thank you enough you are so gifted thank you xxxx will keep in touch ❤❤❤❤❤